Sep 6, 2009

Sachin Tendulkar_First Interview1989

Container: flv

Size: 5.5 mb

Resolution: 320 X 240

Video Codec: H.263

Frame Rate: 29.970

Even more TRAFFIC to Your blog

It just seems like everybody and their grandmother has a blog these days. But what is the difference between, say, a Perez Hilton and all the other thousands of blogs that fall into obscurity everyday? Well, let me show you a couple of simple ways that you can increase blog traffic without spending a red cent most of the times. So let?s get started, shall we?
First of all, it?s very important that your blog is meaningful and not some kind of repository of rehashed articles. One of the best ways to attract visitors to your blog is if there?s already heavy activity on the blog. This will have many implications: first of all, every time someone posts a comment on your blog, it is updated, and search engines usually favor sites with fresh content that is updated often. Second, it will encourage others to participate as well and come back frequently to see how others reacted to their comments or just to see how the conversation is evolving.
A good way to build interest to your blog is by posting on similar, yet more popular blogs related to yours, with a link to your blog of course. If you disagree with the blog?s editor, don?t be scared to start a flaming war, this might encourage the blog?s editor to respond and other onlookers to visit your blog to read more of what you have to say. If you completely agree with the blog?s editor and notice that there are occasional guest posters on the blog, try to contact the blogmaster to see if you can write a guest post for them.

Social networking sites such as are also a great way to increase blog traffic. Digg works by users giving a thumbs up ? a ?dig? ? or a thumbs down to whatever they read online and on the Digg site itself. It?s pretty much a way to rate different pages on the web so that the best stories get the most attention. If you want your site to rate high on Digg, there are a few things you have to know.
First of all, you have to write a meaningful and eye catching headlines since it?s the first thing you see before reading a post. Second of all, when you submit your post to Digg, make sure the description is meaningful and that you can get a sense of the post before reading it; nobody likes bad surprises and people are most likely to give your post a thumbs down if the description had nothing to do with the post. Make sure your first paragraph is good and that the rest of the article is meaningful as well, or else you?ll run the risk of irritating your readers, get bad reviews for your posts, and get your site banned from social bookmarking sites; because social bookmarking sites tend to ban people who post junk all the time.
There are plenty of ways that you can attract more traffic to your blog and that was just a few of them. But keep in mind that even the best promoted blog will fail if it doesn?t have good content.

100 Great Posting Ideas That Will Make Your Blog Sizzle

Great posts are hard to do consistently on a day-to-day basis. Probloggers really have to work at it. I thought about all the different ways and angles a blogger can approach choosing posting topics. Here are 101 different ideas that I think are great to stimulate your mind and jumpstart your blogging.

  1. Brainstorm by matching up your readers wants and needs using the Visitor Grid method of brainstorming.
  2. Write a post by examining the pros and cons of an issue.
  3. Write a tutorial.
  4. Do an interview with key people in your niche.
  5. Create a mock head-to-head competition like what Daniel did.
  6. Do a case study like what Read/Write Web did with the hot topics on Technorati 100.
  7. Take an alternate position.
  8. Write a long comment.
  9. Pick a topic by reading business book titles.
  10. Research a topic by doing research on
  11. Drill down on a topic using’s search feature.
  12. Do a post that answers your readers’ questions.
  13. Create a comprehensive list.
  14. Create flagship content.
  15. Interview controversial people in your niche.
  16. Post about current events in your niche.
  17. Invite your readers to submit articles.
  18. Instead of exchanging links, get together with other bloggers and review each others’ blogs.
  19. Connect with bloggers around your same level and share ideas.
  20. Do a “speedlinking�? post.
  21. Post about posts made by others in your My Blog Log community.
  22. Be opinionated in your post.
  23. Turn off the nofollow attribute to encourage comments.
  24. Do a “tag” post and have other bloggers who are tagged add to a list.
  25. Do an “IM” PPC campaign and then post about the results.
  26. Be a guest blogger and share ideas with new readers.
  27. Review your statistics to see what keywords referred your visitors to your site and post about those.
  28. Answer your readers’ questions with more questions (i.e., have you thought about…?).
  29. Contrast two or more positions in a post.
  30. Make a post that solves a problem.
  31. Make a post that is inspirational.
  32. Make a satirical post.
  33. Write a series of posts.
  34. Post your research findings.
  35. Post an “advantages/disadvantages” post.
  36. Update an old post for new ideas/findings.
  37. Link ideas from different genres in your posts (e.g., Celebrities and the gadgets they own).
  38. Debunk a myth in your post.
  39. Make a post for beginners.
  40. Make a post for advanced readers.
  41. Invite experts to comment on your post.
  42. Ask your readers to Digg your best posts.
  43. Change up your posting style (e.g., tutorial, reviews, etc.).
  44. Write a funny post.
  45. Create a huge list of your best posts.
  46. Add to a list started by another blogger.
  47. Create a mission statement for your blog.
  48. Make a post simplifying a complex problem for your readers.
  49. Create a guide for your niche.
  50. Make a post turning a negative into a positive through humor ( e.g., tell a joke: “My parents tell me I’m autistic. I tell them they have an attitude problem.”).
  51. Browse through a thesaurus and see if synonyms help spark ideas for your posts.
  52. Respond to criticism in a post (e.g., respond to the Wall Street Journal’s criticism of bloggers).
  53. Write a post like you are telling a story.
  54. Spruce up your posts with pictures.
  55. Post about frequently asked questions in your niche.
  56. Pose a rhetorical question in your post.
  57. Post about what’s popular and why it’s beneficial ( e.g., “Twitter” for tech blogs).
  58. Pose a hypothesis and conclusion in your post.
  59. Support your post with related post links.
  60. Make a [blank] for dummies post.
  61. Post a picture that speaks a thousand words.
  62. Buy a how-to book from a bookstore and use some of the ideas from that book to generate ideas for posting (e.g., a book about Photoshop).
  63. Look at the archives of your niche competitors and see if any of their old posts can be expanded in an “update” post on your blog.
  64. Post with a personality (e.g., John Chow is evil).
  65. Write about how to do something more efficiently in your niche.
  66. Write about generally unknown secrets in your niche.
  67. Write about how to use a product in an unconventional way.
  68. Do a post transcribing live events (e.g., Macworld conference).
  69. Dissect an argument in a post.
  70. Make a post summarizing someone else’s post.
  71. Make a post about how things have changed from the past.
  72. Make a post that expands on someone else’s post.
  73. Create a post that incorporates the words, “desperate” and “futile”.
  74. Make a post alleging a conspiracy (e.g., Is there a Digg Bury Brigade?).
  75. Make a post that encourages visitors to subscribe by offering a reward.
  76. Make a post that involves New York City, London, San Francisco or Sydney.
  77. Make a post that incorporates in the title the word “crossover”.
  78. Create a post that utilizes a bar chart or pie chart.
  79. Create a post that has a cliff hanger to be answered in a later post.
  80. Make a post about pitfalls in your niche.
  81. Participate in a reciprocal guest blogging scheme where you blog on someone else’s blog and that other person blogs on your blog.
  82. Do a paid posting targeted to your readers.
  83. Profile the competition in your niche.
  84. Post linkbait.
  85. Make a post about your fellow bloggers’ top posts.
  86. Make a post about your most popular posts.
  87. Read some sports (or other genre) magazines and incorporate some of the writing styles in your posts.
  88. Write a post that pinpoints similarities and differences.
  89. Write a post giving a free recommendation.
  90. Write a post about something that is merely “good�? but not “great�?.
  91. Write a post about a hack for your niche.
  92. Make a post that constructively criticizes someone else’s post.
  93. Run a poll and post the results of that poll.
  94. Ask your loyal readers to email you links to their best resources and make a post about what you found.
  95. Write only about a particular theme for a week.
  96. Designate each day of the week as a theme day where you will always post about a particular topic on that day.
  97. Review your blog’s (weekly, monthly, yearly) performance and post the results.
  98. Write an “attack�? post by setting up an argument and then shooting it down.
  99. Combine some of your best posts from your archives into a new series.
  100. Hold a conference via blog posts.

How To Get More Traffic To Your Blog

1) Blog frequentlyMost new bloggers dislike hearing this. Trust me when I say that the struggle for content is ongoing. New bloggers, however, feel like it`s just happening to them. The truth is, don`t get a blog just to have a blog. Get it and keep it updated. It`s the quickest way to gaining traffic. How often should you blog? Three times a week. The best days to blog? Studies have shown that Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are key days for blogging.
2) Stay on point
I tell authors this a lot: stay on point, stay on topic. Why? Because if you don`t you`ll lose readership. Once someone commits to your blog they want to keep reading relevant information. So don`t blog one day about your book, your speaking, or your mission and the next day share Aunt Ethel`s pot roast recipe.
3) Plan your blogs
While spontaneity is the catalyst for creativity, planning is a good way to stay on track. Start to map out key dates that you want to blog about that have some relation to your topic – this way when you`re at a loss for topics, you can always pick one from your list of planned out blogs. Also, consider these topics to blog about:
a) Future predictions: everyone loves these, to the degree that you can predict market trends in your industry do it, and the readership will follow.
b) Discuss industry news: what`s happening in your industry that you can talk about? Even if you`re a fiction writer there`s always *something* going on worth mentioning in publishing, writing, or marketing that directly relates to your topic.
c) The elephant in the room: talk about the stuff that everyone is afraid of. What new trends are emerging that consumers/readers/companies need to be aware of? What`s next for your market and how will it affect the industry? How can we keep publishing books when we already publish 800 a day? You see what I mean? Think of things that frighten you and talk about them. People will respond. Every time I do this I get a ton of comments on my blog.
d) Write reviews: review other people`s books, product or work. This is a great way to network and to become a “filter” for your market. Filter out the new stuff and feature it on your blog (this goes for you fiction writers too!).
e) Other blogs: what are people talking about? What did your favorite blog just say? Virtual networking (with other bloggers) is a great way to grow your content and get to know others in cyberspace. Don`t forget to link to the blog you`re discussing!
4) Invite comments on your blog!
This is really important! The more folks you can get commenting, the quicker your blog will get passed around. If you have a “no comment” feature on your blog, remove it! You want people to be able to comment and give feedback. In fact, at the end of every blog, why not invite readers to comment? If you start getting a lot of responses to this, begin featuring your favorite comments in future blog posts!
5) Comment on hot topics in the news
The quickest way to get traffic is to get your blog featured on a high-traffic site. But how can you do this? By commenting on news stories. Most major news sites have a feature that will list blogs that are talking about the various news stories. Not all blogs get featured but: a) if your if your topic is related to the story they`ve featured; and b) you`ve written an insightful post on the topic, you`ll likely get listed. For an example of what these look like take a peek at a recent story on CNN:
6) Digg yourself
Make sure that your blog has a bookmarking feature. Sites like Digg and are great places to get started. You can go there, sign up for an account (very easy to do) and then follow their instructions for bookmarking your individual posts. This is important! You don`t want to bookmark the blog but rather, the posts. The posts will then show up in these sites and, hopefully, other folks will bookmark them as well. Even if no one else bookmarks your posts, it doesn`t matter. You can still get traffic by being positioned on these sites. Super simple to do, go ahead, give it a shot!
7) Twitter your blog 
Got something to say? Try microblogging at Twitter: . It`s a free service that asks the question: What are you doing now? Go in, sign up and start posting your messages with links back to your blog. We tried this and it`s fantastic. You can also blog from your cell phone and blackberry. You can not only use it to promote your blog but your book, speaking event, whatever you want. It might sound like a “who cares” idea, but trust me, everyone`s Twittering these days.
8) Syndicate yourself
Using simple RSS feeds through you can syndicate yourself and let folks subscribe to your blog. If they don`t have a way to subscribe to your blog, they may forget you altogether. Once someone subscribes, every time you post new content it will notify them. And the best part? Your messages won`t get stuck in someone`s spam filter. They`ll get the notification, head to your blog and voila! Your readership stays engaged and growing.
Finally, don`t use an “official” voice on your blog. Pretend you`re sitting across from your reader over coffee. Talk to them in a more casual, conversational tone and you`ll not only get more readers, you`ll likely get more comments too! It doesn`t take much to grow a blog, just a little dedication and creativity. Happy blogging!

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Star Cast: vikram,Shreya,Krishna,Prabhu,Bramhanadam..etc.

Shipra's English to Hindi Dictionary

Main WindowSearch From The Right Box of all words ListSearch From The Right Box of all words ListShipra's Dictionary has a great image of popularity among Indians. The reason of its popularity is its bilingual capability. Yes, it is very well know English to Hindi dictionary. You can find the Hindi meaning of any commonly used word of English from its large database of more then 22600 English words with Multiple Hindi meanings.
Despite its simple design and limited features it is a free and easy-to-use application. 
Searching a Hindi meaning of an English word is very easy even if you do not know the exact spelling because it has the capability of short listing the words as you type character by character in real time. So you can choose the right word from the short listed words. 
Right pane of the dictionary lists all the words available in its database, and you just required to click on the word to see its meaning in Hindi. This list may be very useful for many users. 
But on the negative side if we compare it with other dictionaries the words database is very small, and sometimes you will not find meaning of some useful words. Its another drawback is that it just gives simple Hindi meaning of words and not detailed description, Synonyms, Hypernym, Hyponym or Antonym etc. 
It uses the MS Access based database. Due to which it shows some poor performance and also consume some extra MB of your Harddisk. But we can see it as a feature also because you can edit the MS Access based database to add new words. 
It also does not have wildcard search capability. 
In this war of features and drawbacks I will say that something is better then nothing.

  • Simple and Slick Interface.
  • Multiple Hindi meanings of words.
  • Good Database of more then 22600 words.
  • Editable MS Access database to add new words.
  • Lists all words in the right Pane.
  • Real time short listing of words as you type.

  • Database is not as large as of Eng-Eng Dictionary.
  • Provide only Simple Hindi meaning and not description.
  • No Synonyms, Hyponyms or Antonyms available.
  • Poor performance due to MS Access based database.
  • No wildcard search capability.

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Windows 7 for 120 days free

Same 'rearm' command that worked for Vista extends activation-free grace period
Like its predecessor, Windows 7 can be used for up to 120 days without providing a product activation key, Microsoft confirmed today. Although Microsoft generally touts a 30-day time limit for users to activate their copies of the company's operating system, a little-known command designed for corporate administrators can be used by anyone to "reset" the countdown up to three times.

Late yesterday, the Windows Secrets newsletter published step-by-step instructions on using a single-line command to add an additional 90 days to the stock 30-day grace period.

Microsoft allows users to install and run any version of Windows 7 for up to 30 days without requiring a product activation key, a 25-character alphanumeric string that proves the copy is legitimate. During the 30-day grace period, Windows 7 operates as if it has been activated. As the grace period shrinks, however, increasingly-frequent messages appear on the screen. For example, on days four through 27, a pop-up asks the user to activate once each day. During days 28 and 29, the pop-up displays every four hours, while on Day 30, it appears hourly.

But by invoking the "slmgr -rearm" command at a Windows 7 command prompt, users can reset the time-until-activation to 30 days, said Woody Leonard, a contributing editor to Windows Secrets and the author of several computer books, including Windows Vista All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies.

"You can run the -rearm trick a total of three times," said Leonard. "If you perform a -rearm at the end of each 30-day period, you end up with 120 days of full, unfettered Windows 7 use, without having to supply an activation key."

Leonard tested the command on Windows 7 RTM (release to manufacturing), the final build of the operating system that Microsoft has already shipped to computer makers and distributed to IT professionals and developers who subscribe to the TechNet and MSDN services.

Microsoft confirmed that "-rearm" can be used as many as three times by Windows 7 users to avoid activation. "This means [that] a total of 120 days total time is available as a grace period to customers that take advantage of -rearm," said a company spokeswoman.

Nor is extending the grace period a violation of the Windows 7 End User License Agreement (EULA), the spokeswoman said.

Windows Secrets and others published information about the same grace period extension two years ago, shortly after Microsoft launched Vista. "Rearm is the same in Windows 7 as in Vista," noted Brian Livingston, the editor of Windows Secrets, in an interview yesterday.

Microsoft introduced product activation in 2001's Office XP and also used it in that year's Windows XP. The feature was toughened up for Vista, however; after the grace period, non-activated PCs running Vista dropped into what Microsoft called "reduced functionality" mode. In reduced mode, users could only browse the Web with Internet Explorer, and then only for an hour before being forced to again log on.

In early 2008, however, Microsoft revamped that process, which some had dubbed a "kill switch," in favor of a black background and constant nagging reminders. Later in 2008, Microsoft introduced the same procedures to Windows XP when it rolled out Service Pack 3 (SP3).

In February 2009, Microsoft said Windows 7 would use the same reminders, a black screen and persistent notices.

"We knew that -rearm worked on the beta and RC [of Windows 7], but until it was finished, there was no way to be sure it would work in the final," said Livingston.

Although Windows 7 won't go on sale until Oct. 22, the RTM build has leaked to file-sharing sites. In fact, the build that Microsoft later identified as RTM hit BitTorrent almost a week before the company officially announced the milestone.

The -rearm command isn't the only way users can run Windows 7 without paying. Until about 11 a.m. ET Thursday, users can download a free copy of Windows 7 Release Candidate (RC), the last public preview issued before Microsoft wrapped up work on the OS.

రాజశేఖరా! -a tribute to YSR

నీ మరణ వార్త వినలేక,
ఎర్రని సూర్యుడు,కారు మబ్బుల చాటున దాక్కోనుచున్నాడు.
నీ మరణమును జీర్నిచుకోలేక,
వరుణ దేవుడు కన్నీళ్లు రాల్చుచున్నాడు.
నీవు ఊపిరి వదిలవని తెలిసి,
వాయు దేవుడు ఆగిపోయాడు.
నీవు ఇక పాదం మొపవని తెలిసి,
భూమాత గుండె పగిలి,విలపించుచున్నది.
నీవు ఇక లేవని తెల్సిన,
తెలుగు ఆడపడుచుల హృదయము తల్లడిల్లుచున్నది.
నీవు ఇక మాట్లడవని తెలిసి,
విధాన సభ,నిద్ర నటించుచున్నది.
నీ రాజసము ఇక కనిపించదని తెలిసి,
ఎప్పుడూ గంభీరంగా ఉండే మగరాయుల మనసు చలించుచున్నది.
ప్రపంచం ప్రార్థించుచున్నది, నీ ఆత్మ శాంతి కొరకు.
నీవు అజరామమురా!
నీవు అమరుడవురా !
నీకు ఇవే మా జోహారులు!
నేనెరిగిన గొప్ప రాజకీయవేత్తకు,

ఇవే మా మనఃపుష్పాంజలులు!
మీ రాజకీయాభిమాని,
విశ్వనాధ్ రెడ్డి

Boring life

ife is boring…………….
just going routine waking,going around
eating and then sleeping.
nothing special no surprises, no recognization
happy but not fully, enjoying but not best
satisfying but something else……….remaining
“man is superior in the world
as he can prove for himself in world .“
I wanna do some special
to the world
to recognize myself in this world.
but I can’t get it…………!
can u suggest me……….?
if you also think so invite me to do
such special good things……….
I WELCOMES and waiting for it always………

iam dedicating it
to the "KING OF POP"
Mr. Micheal Jackson

just love me

just love me………………
you are most beautiful, I’m not handsome
you are fair, I’m brown
you are cool, I’m exiting, tempting
but just love me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
you are clever, I’m foolish
you are talented, I’m not
you can talk nicely, I can’t
but just love me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!
you are glorious, I don’t
you are always smiling, I’m rarely
but you are my soul because
it’s a letter for you, but this my heartbeat
just love me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,? if you like

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Radio (2009) Hindi movie MP3 Songs Free Download

Director : Isshaan Trivedi
Producer : Ravi Agrawal
Cast : Himesh Reshammiya, Shenaz Treasurywala, Sonal Sehgal, Zakir Hussain, Rajesh Khattar
Music : Himesh Reshammiya
Lyrics : Subrat Sinha

TrackList :

01 – Mann Ka Radio
02 – Zindagi Jaise Ek Radio
03 – Janeman
04 – Piya Jaise Ladoo Motichur Wale
05 – Koi Na Koi Chahe
06 – Teri Meri Dosti Ka Aasman
07 – Damadji Angana Hai Padhare
08 – Shaam Ho Chali Hai
09 – Rafa Dafa Kiya Nahin Jaaye
10 – Zindagi Jaise Ek Radio (Remix)
11 – Mann Ka Radio (Remix)
12 – Piya Jaise Ladoo Motichur Wale (Remix) 

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Everyone can use MHD to visualize his house design work in 3D. For end customer, use MHD to find the most suitable furniture for their house. For manufacturers and retailer, MHD can help them display products with a brand new media. For online furniture store, MHD is a digital showroom. For real estate company, clients can view their properties in MHD at anywhere connected with internet.You don�t need to be a designer or computer professional, the following flash will show you how easy to DIY your dream house, it�s all about clicking mouse.

Folder Lock 6.2.5 - FULL

Folder Lock offers fastest way for encrypting and password protecting files and folders. You can either choose to encrypt important files from techies or lock your files, pictures and private data from casual users. Folder Lock comes with locking, encryption, shredding, stealth mode, hack attempt monitoring, portability, plug & play support, history cleaning, and more than 20 privacy features all tailored to special needs for people wanting privacy and security.


Adobe PageMaker 7.0 Full Version!

Adobe PageMaker 7.0 Adobe® PageMaker® 7.0 software is the ideal page layout program for business, education, and small- and home-office professionals who want to create high-quality publications such as brochures and newsletters. Get started quickly with templates, graphics, and intuitive design tools; work productively across Adobe applications; and easily leverage existing content to create customized communications.

Team Viewer 4 Full Version!

Remote Desktop Sharing Remote Access Support
TeamViewer establishes connections to any PC or server all around the world within just a few seconds. You can remotecontrol your partner’s PC as if you were sitting right in front of it. Find out why more than 15.000.000 users trust TeamViewer!
Simple fast secure.
The onestop solution for desktopsharing
TeamViewer is the fast, simple and friendly solution for remote access over the Internet all applications in one single, very affordable module
Remote access to PCs andservers via Internet
Instantly take control over a computer anywhere on the Internet, even through firewalls. No installation required, just use it fast and secure.
Training, salesand teamwork


Star Cast: Ashish Chowdhry, Nausheen Ali Sardar, Akshay Kapoor, Achint Kaur;
Director: Vishal Pandya;
Duration: 2 hour 6 minutes;
Rating: ** - could have been better

Luck - 2009 - Untouched DVD9

ImTOO HD Video Converter v5.1.26.0904

ImTOO HD Video Converter v5.1.26.0904
ImTOO HD Video Converter v5.1.26.0904 | 15.2 MB

ImTOO HD Video Converter is a professional HD converter and HD encoder designed to convert among high definition videos like HD AVI, MKV, HD H.264/AVC, AVCHD (.mts, .m2ts), HD Quick Time, HD MPEG-4 (TS), HD ASF video. On top of this, it can also convert among audios and convert video to MP3, WMA, WAV, M4A, AAC, AC3 audio and picture, as well as make videos from pictures in JPG, GIF, PNG, and BMP.

* ImTOO HD Video Converter supports converting video from and to HD videos (720p, 1080p) including HD AVI, HD H.264/AVC, AVCHD (.mts, .m2ts), HD Quick Time, HD MPEG-2 TS, HD MPEG-4 TS, HD WMV, etc.

* Besides converting among HD videos, the HD video converter converts HD to AVI, MPEG, MP4, ASF, MOV, RMVB, WMV, DivX, XviD, 3GP, RM, as well as converts video to audios and picture files including MP3, WMA, WAV, M4A, AAC, JPG, PNG, GIF, etc.

* The HD converter can also act as iPod/iPhone/Apple TV video converter, PSP/PS3/Xbox video converter to convert HD and SD videos to your PC, PS3, Xbox, PSP, iPod, iPhone and other portable devices.

Here are some key features of "ImTOO HD Video Converter":
· It full supports converting AVI to HD, AVI to PS3, AVI files to Xbox, HD to Xbox, etc.
· Support High-Definition (HD) video encoding/decoding and APE/CUE decoding.
· The HD Video Converter wizard has been designed and added for beginners, guiding your conversion.
· Convert Audio CD format to various audio formats.
· Preview the loaded video files directly with the built-in player.
· It offers multithreading and batch conversion.
· Excellent audio and video quality.
· It can provide >200% converting speed, so fast beyond your imagination.

Speak-A-Message 4.0.5

Speak-A-Message 4.0.5
Speak-A-Message 4.0.5 | 14 Mb | RS-Link

Speak-A-Message replaces written text with your voice: Just record and send.Speak-A-Message provides a rich communication experience that enables you to create and email your own audio messages and to listen to audio messages in your inbox.Speak-A-Message is free for private use. Speak-A-Message can also be used to add audio comments to text documents or to add your voice comments to presentations.

* Excellent audio compression: A 4-minute voice message requires only about 500kB
* Recorded audio messages can also be played back on common media players
* Enter author and title for an audio message
* Messages can be marked as private (playback should occur in private or with headphones)
* Sends audio messages via your email client
* Integrates into the menu of MS Outlook
* Voice notes, voice comments and recordings of talks can be added to:
o MS PowerPoint presentations
o MS Word documents

Technical Requirements:
* Supported operating systems: Windows XP, Windows 2000
* Windows Media Player Version 9 or up
* PC or laptop with soundcard
* Speaker or headset for playback