1To make ur desktop icons transparent go 2
- control panel
- system
- Advanced
- performence
- use drop shadows for labels on the desktop
Is your system is slow?
taking time to access?
then you have the solution to increase the permormance of your PC or Laptap by performing disk cleanup.There is no need to install or run external software,it is built in Operating System(XP) only.
follow the path:
start menu --> programs --> Accesseseries --> system tools -->Disk cleanup

3 lock Your private folder using any software...
* First select Your folder which you want to lock. Suppose paint is my private folder and it stored into E:\ drive.
* In the same drive ( eg. E:\) you need to create two bat file. Create a new text file there & Open it in note pad. Type in:
ren paint paint.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
Save it in as lock.bat
* Again open another text file and type
ren paint.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} paint
Now save this as a unlock.bat .
Now you can see 2 batch files lock and unlock.Double click on Press lock.bat and the folder paint's icon will change to control panel and you cannot view its contents.
Double click on unlock.bat and you will get back your original folder.
Try it!!!
4 Memory Card CORRUPTED! Here is the solution.
Hey, your mmc got corrupted, going to buy a new one? Stop here and see it. you can try to repair it.
All the memory card are based on the FAT file system and not the FAT32 or NTFS file system. for repairing you will need a corrupted mmc, a mmc reader, and a PC, obviously.
1) Insert your card in the mmc reader.
2) Find the drive in which it is inserted from your pc.
3) Right click the selected drive and select FORMAT but NOT quick format.
4) Now, in the file system selection part, select the file system to be FAT and not FAT 32 or NTFS file system.
5) Start formatting.
You can also do this by using Windows Explorer.
4 Just clear your all internet activity history,
Goto Run
type==> inetcpl.cpl and hit ok
to clear browsing history,cookies & offline data
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